Actualmente em Moçambique contamos com uma parceria, O "Projecto Esperança".
Currently in Mozambique we have a partnership, the "Hope Project".
English version at the bottom of the page
Currently in Mozambique we have a partnership, the "Hope Project".
English version at the bottom of the page
O “Projecto Esperança” é uma iniciativa da Missionária Maria Olivia e mulheres do Movimento das Mães Cristãs Intercessoras, com o apadrinhamento do Dr. França Magaia, que em 2004 iniciou o apoio escolar e alimentar a 100 crianças do Bairro de Mincanhene, 3 vezes por semana.
Pelo facto desta acção ter tido uma grande aceitação por parte das famílias das crianças abrangidas, o projecto foi alargado para os bairros de 29 de Setembro, onde desde 2005 funciona o centro aberto e escola oficial, que não só beneficia as crianças do centro assim como as crianças da comunidade no geral, albergando actualmente 380 crianças ( crianças do projecto ) e 1000 crianças ( externas )que se beneficiam da escola bem como 15 senhoras no curso de alfabetização de adultos, como forma de empoderamento da mulher.
Localização e descrição do “Projecto Esperança”
O Distrito de Marracune situa-se na província de Maputo, a 30 Km da capital, com 45.031 ( quarenta e cinco mil e trinta e um ) habitantes.
O “Projecto Esperança” funciona em Marracuene no bairro 29 de Setembro com 380 crianças e Pusulane com 100 crianças, com uma população de 9.595 ( Nove mil, quinhentos e noventa e cinco ) habitantes, no total dos dois bairros.
Para além de Marracuene, o “ Projecto Esperança” possui um centro na Província de Sofala – Cidade da Beira – Bairro da Praia Nova, com 200 crianças.
Neste momento, o “ Projecto Esperança” alberga nos seus centros, num horário compreendido das 07:00 – 16:30h, crianças dos 0 aos 16 anos de idade, dos quais a maioria são órfãs.
Justificação do Projecto.
A pobreza em Moçambique é alarmante e vasta, estimando-se que cerca de 70% da população total vive abaixo da linha da pobreza.
Os grupos mais vulneráveis são constituídos por mulheres chefes de agregados familiares, crianças e mães solteiras, sendo um dos factores que contribuem para o baixo nível de alfabetização, infra-estruturas de saúde muito fracas e a natureza das actividades económicas desenvolvidas pelas mulheres.
Devido a esta situação, aliada a prevalência do HIV/SIDA, o número de crianças órfãs e vulneráveis, tem vindo a crescer de forma assustadora em Moçambique, o que exige da sociedade civil, uma intervenção coordenada, dada a sensibilidade do grupo-alvo.
- Apoio Psico-social à criança;
- Ensino primário;
- Aulas de explicação;
- Ensino de catequese;
- Teatro e dança;
- Providenciamento de 3 refeições por dia, durante os 5 dias da semana;
- Providenciamento de vestuário;
- Providenciamento de assistência médica e medicamentosa;
- Providenciamento de pequenas hortas;
- Visitas domiciliárias para o acompanhamento do comportamento e o relacionamento criança / família substituta;
- Artes e ofícios
- Desporto.
Acções futuras / Perspectivas
- Construção de um centro aberto de raiz e apetrechamento ( com material de alvenaria ) num espaço de 3 hectares no bairro de Pussulane, distrito de Marracuene, já atribuído ao “ Projecto esperança”, composto por:
Ø 7 salas de aulas;
Ø Bloco Administrativo;
Ø Bloco do Centro Social;
Ø Balneários;
Ø Deposito elevado de água;
Ø Muro de vedação.
Pelo facto do distrito de Marracuene, no sector da Educação, não conseguir albergar toda a população estudantil, o “ Projecto Esperança” pretende introduzir o curso nocturno da 6ª a 12ª classe, como forma de contribuir para a diminuição do elevado número de alunos que ficam sem estudar por falta de vagas.
The "Hope Project" is an initiative of missionary Maria Olivia from Women's Movement of Christian Mothers intercessors, with the sponsorship of Dr.França Magaia, since in 2004 began the school support and food to 100 children in the neighbourhood of Mincanhene, 3 times a week.
Because of this action have had a great acceptance by the families of children covered, the project was extended to the districts of September 29, where since 2005 operates the open center and public school, which not only benefits children's center and children of the community in general, currently home of 380 kids (the project) and 1000 children (external) that benefit the school and 15 ladies in the course of adult literacy as a means of empowerment of women.
Location and description of "Project Hope"
The District of Marracune is located inMaputo province, 30 km from the capital, with 45,031 (forty-five thousand and thirty-one) residents.
The "Hope Project" works in the neighbourhood of Marracuene in September 29 center with 380 children and Pusulane center with100 children, with a population of 9,595 (Nine thousand five hundred ninety-five) people in total from the two neighbourhoods.
Beyond Marracuene, "Project Hope" has a center in theprovince of Sofala - Beira City - District of Praia Nova, with 200 children.
Right now, the "Project Hope" houses at their centers, from 7:00 to 16:30 pm, children aged 0 to 16 years old, most of whom are orphans.
Justification of the Project.
Poverty inMozambique is alarmingly wide, estimating that about 70% of the total population lives below the poverty line.
The most vulnerable groups are women heads of households, children and single mothers, one of the factors contributing to the low level of literacy, health infrastructure and the very weak nature of economic activities undertaken by women.
This situation, coupled with the prevalence of HIV / AIDS, the number of orphans and vulnerable children has been growing at an alarming rate inMozambique , which requires civil society, coordinated intervention, given the sensitivity of the target group.
Psychosocial support to children;
Primary education;
Classes of explanation;
Teaching catechesis;
Theatre and dance;
Provide 3 meals a day for 5 days a week;
Provide clothing;
Provide medical care and treatment;
Provide small gardens;
Home visits to monitor the behaviour and relationships child / foster family;
Arts and crafts
Future action / Perspective
Construction of an open center from scratch and equipping (with masonry material) within an area of3 hectares in the district Pussulane, Marracuene district, already assigned to "Project Hope", consisting of:
Ø 7 classrooms;
Ø Administrative Block;
Ø Block Social Center;
Ø bathhouse;
Ø elevated water tanks;
Ø Wall fence.
Because the district of Marracuene in the education sector, can not accommodate the entire student population, the "Hope Project" aims to introduce a night shift from 6th to 12th grade, as a contribution to reducing the high number of students who are without studying because of lack of vacancies.
The "Hope Project" is an initiative of missionary Maria Olivia from Women's Movement of Christian Mothers intercessors, with the sponsorship of Dr.França Magaia, since in 2004 began the school support and food to 100 children in the neighbourhood of Mincanhene, 3 times a week.
Because of this action have had a great acceptance by the families of children covered, the project was extended to the districts of September 29, where since 2005 operates the open center and public school, which not only benefits children's center and children of the community in general, currently home of 380 kids (the project) and 1000 children (external) that benefit the school and 15 ladies in the course of adult literacy as a means of empowerment of women.
Location and description of "Project Hope"
The District of Marracune is located in
The "Hope Project" works in the neighbourhood of Marracuene in September 29 center with 380 children and Pusulane center with100 children, with a population of 9,595 (Nine thousand five hundred ninety-five) people in total from the two neighbourhoods.
Beyond Marracuene, "Project Hope" has a center in the
Right now, the "Project Hope" houses at their centers, from 7:00 to 16:30 pm, children aged 0 to 16 years old, most of whom are orphans.
Justification of the Project.
Poverty in
The most vulnerable groups are women heads of households, children and single mothers, one of the factors contributing to the low level of literacy, health infrastructure and the very weak nature of economic activities undertaken by women.
This situation, coupled with the prevalence of HIV / AIDS, the number of orphans and vulnerable children has been growing at an alarming rate in
Psychosocial support to children;
Primary education;
Classes of explanation;
Teaching catechesis;
Theatre and dance;
Provide 3 meals a day for 5 days a week;
Provide clothing;
Provide medical care and treatment;
Provide small gardens;
Home visits to monitor the behaviour and relationships child / foster family;
Arts and crafts
Future action / Perspective
Construction of an open center from scratch and equipping (with masonry material) within an area of
Ø 7 classrooms;
Ø Administrative Block;
Ø Block Social Center;
Ø bathhouse;
Ø elevated water tanks;
Ø Wall fence.
Because the district of Marracuene in the education sector, can not accommodate the entire student population, the "Hope Project" aims to introduce a night shift from 6th to 12th grade, as a contribution to reducing the high number of students who are without studying because of lack of vacancies.